We offer full engineering services around our catalyst products. We assist in reactor design and dimensioning as well as adapt the technology to your needs. We also perform specialty engineering services that we would be happy to discuss with you, independent of requirements.
1 Hydrogen peroxide
2 Ozone
3 Ammonia
4 Nitrous oxide
5 Specialty Engineering
6 Hydrogen Technology
1 Hydrogen peroxide
In the area of hydrogen peroxide abatement, Hulteberg has designed multiple systems, e.g. for the food and packaging industry. The company currently has almost 300 systems in operation based on its own catalyst formulation in multiple countries, e.g. China, Egypt and the US. The systems are characterized by extreme catalyst life and conversion, making this an excellent alternative for improving work-environment.
2 Ozone
3 Ammonia
4 Nitrous oxide
5 Specialty Engineering
6 Hydrogen Technology