Inlägg av Hulteberg Chemistry & Engineering AB

Your most asked questions

You ask – we answer During our webinars we recieve a lot of good questions. We have summarized some of them below and hope you find your answer! The answers are provided by professor and presenter of the webinars –  Christian Hulteberg.     Q: Is there a possibility that the porosity will decrease after…

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These webinars are for you!

During this turbulent time we want to give you the opportunity to join our online webinar series. We will present our five webinars on different aspects of catalysis as well as our appreciated series on the chemical industry and oil refinery. Read more below and make sure to share it with your friends and collegeaus…and…

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Summer crash course in catalysis!

We will be giving our five webinars on different aspects of catalysis this summer. They will only be delivered once during the day, but don’t worry – if you sign up for the webinar, we will send you a link afterwards with the recording. Read more & sign up for the webinars by using the…

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SunCarbon change of ownership

We are very pleased to welcome Preem and Sveaskog as shareholders in SunCarbon together with already existing shareholders Hulteberg Chemistry & Engineering, Kiram and Arkell innovation. The strategic partnership with these companies continues to drive the world-leading lignin valorisation technology of SunCarbon towards market introduction. Please find more information here:—planerar-anlaggning-for-fornybar-ligninolja/—planerar-ligninanlaggning-for-biodrivmedel,c2800735

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Demonstrating renewable propane

The latest report from BioFuel-Solutions AB, a subsidiary to Hulteberg Chemistry & Engineering, is now available online! Demonstrating Renewable Propane ”There is a significant infrastructure in the world for using liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The fuel is used in many applications, spanning from heating to chemical processes as well as a vehicle fuel. To be…

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